Thursday, March 6, 2014

Causes of Pain and Discomfort During Sex

Sex is part of life from which we cant hide or escape. It is sweet love and pleasure given by your loved one physically and emotionally. Now we are here talking not about the sex but we are going to discuss the pain during sex. A number of conditions are there which cause pain and discomfort during sexual intercourse.

Vaginal Infection
During intercourse, the rubbing motion of the penis against the vagina and genitalia sometimes causes symptoms like stinging, burning. Certain vaginal infection like Vaginal Yeast Infection and Trichomoniasis are often present without any noticeable symptoms.Genital herpes sores are another frequent cause during sex.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Sexual Problem In Women

So many problem are which creates sexual problem in women such as :
A woman's interest and desire for sex and sexual activities decrease by the increment in age. But this decrease is not a major problem, the major problem is your partner's in relation desire more intercourse than other.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Loosing Relation May Take You To Death

Getting hurt of loosing your loved one and closed one could seriously affects your health and take you death. It increase the growth of Stress Hormone like "Adrenal" and "Cortisol". It also decrease the growth of  antigen which can make our body weak and disease like Cancer, Diabetes, can take place.